Riley Noble Acupuncture


Acupuncture is a Traditional Chinese Medicine technique in which the practitioner stimulates specific acupuncture points using very thin needles. These acupuncture needles stimulate the flow of Qi (energy) in channels also known as meridians throughout the body.

Massage Therapy

I completed my Acupuncture program at Georgian College and graduated with honours.

I believe that everyone can benefit from Traditional Chinese Medicine modalities at some point in their lives whether it’s for back pain, headaches, stress, musculoskeletal injuries, migraines, digestive concerns, energy, sleep, arthritis, fertility etc.,.

I have been playing Hockey since I was 10 and enjoy watching sports. I also enjoy spending time with friends and family, going to the gym and pretty much any outdoor activity. I have a strong interest in the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries.

I completed my Acupuncture program at Georgian College and graduated with honours. I believe tha... Read More

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